Chapter Next

Wow, hiii! That was quite a break. Four years and four months! Most Half of that was pandemic time, so maybe it doesn’t count?

Seriously though, I never stopped thinking about this space. A combination of anxiety and fear—maybe a little laziness sprinkled in—it’s kept me away. But my head is getting too crowded with thoughts that I need to unload and share somewhere, so I guess I’m back–at least for a little while.

Like I said, my brain is crowded. In my time away from here, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, learning, and processing. And I want to try my best to articulate what I’ve been pondering. I’m working on a series of posts on the following ideas (tentative list):

  • Information architecture is (the most) important.

  • We designers need to understand what outcomes we’re aiming to achieve with our designs.

  • Use all the existing research to begin designing your object-oriented IA. I like to use the ORCA process.

  • We’re designing for humans. Bake inclusivity principles, accessibility, and harm reduction into the IA.

  • Design activism

So that’s what the one or two of you who come here can expect from me. Happy holidays, see you in January with some real talk about IA.